Look out below, here come the sleds January 20, 2018Newsmaine, outdoors, ski, sled, snow, winter, winterkids By Troy R. Bennett WinterKids puts on the annual event dedicated to getting children active outdoors during the cold months.
See winter’s beauty from the back of a sleigh January 9, 2018Newshorse, jingle bells, maine, sleigh, snow, trail By Troy R. Bennett This isn’t just the season of fighting frozen pipes and doing battling with a snow shovel. There’s also quiet beauty in the deep freeze.
Watch the waves pound the rocks at Portland Head Light January 24, 2017Homeice, lighthouse, snow, surf, waves, weather By Troy R. Bennett Offshore wind gusts of almost 40 mph drove waves against the rocks at the foot of Portland Headlight in Cape Elizabeth this morning.
Here’s some pictures in the snow January 18, 2017Newsblow, city hall, cold, dog, falling, freeze, photo, shovel, snow By Troy R. Bennett Eddie Walsh of Portland’s Parks and Recreation Department clears the white stiff from City Hall Plaza on Wednesday. Walsh said laughingly that he was, “One of the city’s finest snow fighters.”
The snow isn’t slowing down life in Portland December 29, 2016Home, Newsblizzard, city, maine, nor'easter, portland, snow, storm, winter By Troy R. Bennett The sky was spitting snow over the city before 9 a.m. but it didn’t seem to slow much down.