Tag Archives: politics
A Maine baseball team is going to hand out dolls of a U.S. Senator
On the road to the ballot booth, it’s a free ride in Portland
The bus service is free all day to shuttle voters to the polls.
Here’s everything Portlanders really need to know about this election
Bookmark this. We’ll keep it updated until the election.
Kittens make the presidential debate more civilized in Portland
Ok, that was pretty cute. BDN Portland and Think Tank Coworking last night hosted another presidential debate-watching party — this time, with Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland, which brought some much-needed “kitten therapy” for people who needed to take a break from the political battle playing out on the big screens. The idea was […]
Thanks to national PAC, City Council candidate has an early — and big — fundraising lead
Pious Ali’s early fundraising is unprecedented in recent city elections.
Only three of Portland’s 17 legislative candidates have signed an open government pledge
Update: After being contacted for this story, Green party senate candidate Seth Baker said he signed the pledge. He is now listed among the signatories. We’ve updated this post to reflect that. Of the 17 candidates seeking to represent Portland in the Maine Legislature, only three have signed a pledge to support open government if elected. […]
For the guy selling Trump memorabilia, ‘at the end of the day this is supply and demand’
As he does at every rally, MacCaskill has to contend with the anti-Trump demonstrators who demand to know why he, as a black man, would support a candidate that they see as racist.
Do you wonder whether the city’s elementary schools are actually that bad? Here’s your chance to see
Next Wednesday’s tour will begin at Presumpscot at 5 pm and give members of the public a chance to assess the state of Portland’s schools.